Category Archives: Uncategorized

What is the Most Common Bacteria Found in Sewage & Sewer Lines in Kingsbridge Heights, NY?

Sewer lines, though often unseen and forgotten, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and functional plumbing system within our homes and communities. Among the myriad factors influencing the well-being of these underground conduits, bacteria emerge as both friends and foes. Understanding the complex relationship between bacteria and sewer lines is essential for homeowners…

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Post Holiday Plumbing in Kingsbridge, NY; How Do You Unclog a Clogged Drain ASAP?

The holiday season is undoubtedly a time of joy, celebration, and quality time with loved ones. However, it can also bring about some less-than-festive situations, such as clogged drains. With all the cooking, feasting, and hosting that comes with the holidays, it’s not uncommon to find yourself facing the inconvenience of a blocked drain. Fear…

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Why is Good Drainage Important to a Home in Unionport, NY? Prevent Water Contamination & More

Maintaining healthy drains plays a crucial role in ensuring overall home hygiene. Often overlooked, the state of your drains can significantly impact the cleanliness of your living space. Today, we at The Original $49.95 Plumber would like to take a closer look at the connection between healthy drains and home hygiene. Prevent Unpleasant Odors One…

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What are the Main Causes of Blocked Drains in Spencer Estates, NY? Hair, Soap Scum & More

Clogged drains are a common household nuisance, causing inconvenience and frustration for homeowners. To effectively prevent and address drain clogs, it’s essential to understand the science behind how various materials can lead to blockages. Different materials contribute to clogs in distinct ways, and knowing the mechanisms involved can help you take proactive measures to keep…

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What is a Sewer Pipe Inspection in Concourse Village, NY? How Do You Inspect a Sewer System?

Buying a home is a significant financial and emotional investment, and it’s crucial to ensure that you’re making an informed decision. While most homebuyers are diligent about inspecting a property’s structural integrity, electrical systems, and plumbing, one often overlooked but critical aspect of a home inspection is the sewer line. A sewer line inspection can…

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How Do Local Weather Conditions Contribute to an Effective Drainage System in South Bronx, NY?

New York is a state of extremes, from sweltering summer days to bitterly cold winters, and its weather can play a huge role in the health of your drainage system. Many homeowners and property managers might be unaware of just how much local weather conditions can impact their drains. The Original $49.95 Plumber would like…

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Why Should Plumbing System Maintenance Be Left to Professional Plumbers in Eastchester, NY?

Out of sight, out of mind—this is the approach many homeowners take when it comes to their plumbing systems, particularly their drains and sewers. It’s easy to neglect these essential components of your home until a problem arises. However, regular inspections and maintenance by a professional plumber can save you time, money, and hassle in…

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How Do You Get Rid of Backed Up Sewer Smell in Rossville, NY? Drain Cleaning & More

Sewer odor is a common problem that can plague homes and businesses, leading to unpleasant and sometimes even hazardous living and working conditions. Understanding the science behind sewer odor is essential for identifying the root causes and implementing effective solutions. With this in mind, we at The Original $49.95 Plumber would like to discuss the…

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