Many homeowners have to deal with clogged drains in New York. We really do not give them much thought concerning their function let alone, maintenance and preventative tactics, relying on the drains to take care of the water waste. Your kitchen and bathroom drains can be quickly clogged by residues and substances. Food particles are the primary cause of kitchen drain clogs and soap, toothpaste, and other residues are the culprits in bathrooms. Routine activities such as cooking, washing your hands, or even bathing is hindered lead to kitchen drain clogs. Resulting in expensive repairs, clogged drains are more than an inconvenience, they can lead to structure problems as well as excessive plumbing dilemmas. You can avoid clogged drains with preventative measures and routine drain cleaning. We at The Original 49.95 Plumber would like to share some tips to avoid clogging your NY home’s drains with this in mind.
Will Hot Water Unclog a Drain?
Many substances can solidify in the drains though they do not start out as solids. A few examples include grease produced by cooking foods and hair conditioning from grooming habits. Most think they will flush out with the wastewater when these substances slide down the drain. Starting as the foundation of a clog this is not always the case unfortunately as they can harden in drains. Flush the drains with hot water, once day, or preferably after every use. To prevent these substances from solidifying, hot water is essential.
How Do I Stop My Hair from Going Down the Pop Up Drain?
In the bathroom, hair is one of the primary items found clogging sink and shower drains. The hair that gets trapped in the drain and snarls up quickly escalates into a disgusting mess that stops the water flow. Essential to avoiding clogged drains is avoiding the drains from collecting the hair. It can be placed on the drain to collect the shed hair before it travels into the drain, a hair catcher that does not require any installments, which is a cheap device. By tossing the inexpensive device and the hair with it in the trashcan or by removing the hair and disposing of it, the hair is then easily disposed of. At any home improvement store or few department stores, these devices can be found.
What Cannot Go Down the Drain?
People attempt to send the wrong items down the drain and into the disposal when garbage disposals are not as durable as you may believe and too often. You are likely allowing the wrong items to be processed in the garbage disposal if the kitchen sink is frequently clogged. If you are ever in doubt, consult your owner manual. The below items are commonly put through the garbage disposal that are major do nots. Consult the manual or simply just throw it in the trash to be safe if you are ever in doubt.
– Sweet potatoes
– Pasta or rice
– Grease
– Fruits and vegetables peelings, seeds, and pits
– Eggshells
– Dental floss or other stringy items
– Coffee grounds
Drain Pipe & Sewer Line Camera Inspections, Cleaning, Unclogging & More in Staten Island, Maspeth, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Yonkers, Queens, NYC Boroughs, New York City NY
Call the experts of The Original 49.95 Plumber for a drain cleaning service and let our crew take care of the drain cleaning, if you are due for this service, or notice a clog in the drain.